Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 1, But Not Really.

Today I officially "started" P90X. But not really. I am dreading this like the plague, but I know that if I wanna wear a cute strappy tank top on our vacation to Disney, I'm gonna have to get started. We are looking at a trip that is only 102 days away!

So today my dear hubby (who is doing the program with me) stayed on me long enough that I finally gave in and did the PLYOMETRICS workout with him. It was...um...interesting! I wasn't able to make it all the way through the 58 minute workout, but I sweated. And my legs nearly crumbled underneath me. And I got my heart rate going. So I know it had to be a step in the right direction!

Since I did not do a workout yesterday, and I started today off with FOUR donuts, I have decided that this week is gonna be a "warm up week". I will officially start next Monday, but for the rest of this week I will try to get my mind in the right place so I can eat healthy(er) and commit myself to the workouts.

Having said all that, I did take my "before" pictures today, however in order to save face (and fat rolls) I will not post them until later in the program, when I have a comparison picture that I hope to be a little less jiggly. :)

~26 minutes of PLYO X.

~Breakfast: 4 (OMG!) Donuts
~Lunch: 2 Whole Wheat Pita Pockets, plain
~Snack: Medium Red Apple, 8 oz Protein Shake
~Dinner: Baked Potato (with Smart Balance butter, salt, and pepper), 9 deli slices of honey baked ham.

~Felt like my legs were going to crumble during the workout, but afterwards I felt great. Was a little dizzy, got a few chills, but recovered quickly after I got a snack and a protein shake in my system. Now here I am several hours later and I feel full of energy (which is a bad thing since I need to go to bed) but I am anxiously looking forward to tomorrow's workout!

~Tomorrow is a new day. I made some mistakes today in my diet and in my workout, but it's over now. Hopefully tomorrow's reflections will tell a different tale.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
~Philippians 4:13

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